Wednesday, September 7, 2011


 So this is my first time blogging. I’m kinda worried about all of the blogging that I am going to have to do this year because I feel like I’m going to run out of things to blog about but hopefully it all goes well. I’m really excited about this year because I’m a senior and I can’t wait to go to college. I’m pretty happy with my classes this year because I have an easy schedule with a free sixth period. My favorite class is physiology with Mr. Wilson because I find the class very interesting and I have a lot of friends in my class.
I had my first tennis match of the year yesterday against Piedmont and it defiantly did not go very well. I play doubles number one on var. My partner Cynthia and I lost but it was still a somewhat close match. I was feeling pretty bad about it afterwards but then I found out that the rest of my team all lost so I felt a lot better. We’re actually good I swear but Piedmont is hella good and has a habit of cheating.
Tomorrow I leave at 2 o’clock for a tennis match in Fresno which I was really excited about until I checked the weather and found out that it is supposed to be in the hundreds. I’m defiantly going to be miserable because I’m such a baby when it comes to the heat. I have two matches on Friday and three matches on Saturday; hopefully we do well and win since we almost won last year.

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