Thursday, September 29, 2011

[CE] BP to resume drilling in the gulf?

I was really surprised to find out that BP was trying to get permission to resume deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico after the disastrous oil spill in April 2010. The oil spill was ultimately determined to be caused by BP’s lack of proper equipment and safety regulations. Eleven people were killed in the deep water rig’s explosion and the marine ecosystems were almost completely destroyed. Millions of gallons of oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico leaving many without a job and the waters in critical condition. A year later tar balls are still washing up on coast lines and beaches and the ocean ecosystems still have not recovered and will not for many years. This oil spill was truly an environmental disaster.
Last year I took APES and we talked about the spill extensively and all of the consequences that would result. The oil spill has seriously damaged the ecosystems in the gulf and has killed so many animals. Oceans are the most important ecosystems and they should be treated with more respect. I can’t believe that BP would expect to be able to resume drilling there after the extensive damaged that they caused to the ecosystems and the economy by the gulf. I would be very disappointed if BP is allowed to start deep water drilling again even if they updated there regulations and equipment. Deep water drilling is a recipe for disaster and it is only a matter of time before the next spill occurs.

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