Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[BC] UC essay prompt

My ultimate dream and aspiration is to become a Registered Nurse and eventually work my way up to a Nurse Practitioner. Throughout my life I have had many career aspirations like other normal kids, but they all have been centered around the health care field. I have always had a love for science and an interest in the human body and how it works. I was first introduced to nursing by a family friend who has been a nurse for over two decades and a part of my life since I was born. She has helped educate me on exactly what a registered nurse does and answered all of my seemingly endless questions. Another thing that led me to nursing was an ROP course that I took in my junior year of high school. It was a health care career introductory class that included a large section about nursing. I learned how to check all of the vital signs and how to respond to medical emergencies. We also became CPR certified and First Aid certified. This class really made me think of nursing as my career choice and something that I would love to do every day.

Throughout my life I have played multiple sports and still continue to play and I have witnessed many sport related injuries. I was always the first to run out to them with the first aid kit and eventually I just became the designated team "medic." My family friend that introduced me to nursing gave me tips and taught me how to deal with the injuries that my teammates would obtain. Although it seems insignificant, taking care of my teammates was fun to me and really taught me how to take care of others in the most pleasant and efficient way.

I am more drawn to being a nurse rather than a doctor because in my experience nursing is more hands on and has a deeper connection with patients. I feel that nurses administer better care and also help patients deal with their injuries or disabilities rather than just tell them whats wrong. The nursing field is in high demand and is always changing. The opportunities in the nursing field are vast and almost endless. There is always the possibility to do something new and to keep furthering your education. I genuinely care about the well-being of others and think it is a privilege to be able to take care of people and help them recover.

Helping patients recover from impairments or just helping a patient cope with a disability or illness is a special experience that would be my way of making a positive impact on other peoples lives. Nursing is a highly respected field that I would be so lucky to be a part of as my long-term career. How I grew up really had a large affect on my dreams and aspirations. The people around me helped shape my career aspiration of becoming a nurse because of their knowledge and support.

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