Thursday, September 15, 2011

[CE] US Poverty

This video came as a surprise to me because I never knew that the poverty levels were so high in the United States. I knew it wasn't good, but I had no idea that it was this bad. According to the video over 46 million people are currently living below the poverty line across the country. This extreme level of poverty hasn't been this high since 1993. According to the United States census report one in six people are living in poverty.

So many families are living paycheck to paycheck and are barely making ends meet. I can only imagine the heavy burden that it places on a family. I have no idea what it's like to feel this burden but I certainly sympathize with those who are going through this. I feel very fortunate that this isn't a problem affecting me directly. But this is a problem that is affecting people all around me which is a tough pill to swallow.

After watching the video my first thought was what can be done to fix this? This is a huge problem that is not capable of being fixed overnight. The government needs to get involved before the poverty numbers in the United States worsen. However, with the budget crisis our country is facing right now I have no idea how the government can help those who are struggling. I am very curious about this situation and am interested to find out how this problem is going to be addressed.

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