Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[CE]: Famine in Somalia

The severe famine going on in Somalia has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths. According to the United Nations more than half of the countries entire population is facing severe food shortages. Many are fleeing long distances to reach refugee camps within the country. In the video they show a family that had traveled three days just to reach the camp and one of their children had severe bloating from malnutrition and starvation. The video sheds light on the fact that even with donations and a considerable amount of money there are millions of people who cannot be reached. Many people are leaving everything behind to reach hospitals and camps in order to receive some aid.
            This video is truly sad because of the widespread famine that is affecting more than half of the country. One of the worst facts about the famine is that is rapidly spreading and that so many unfortunate people will not be able to receive any kind of aid. Having a scarcity of food and water is an awful situation to have to endure and for most it is unlivable. Seeing all of the affected people in the video makes me feel fortunate to be living in such a place where a widespread famine would not occur.
            Within a year it is expected that the famine will spread to the entire southern part of the country. The world food program, which is providing most of the food to people in Somalia say that lives can be saved but millions will not be receive food or any other kind of aid.

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