Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RE] post

I was reading through some of the class blogs and I saw Dominique's blog about the stress she is feeling with the college process.

"but dang so much to do in a little of time. i dont know if i am the only one here, but i am so stressed out this over whelming process."

I totally feel the same way as Dominique about the college process and all of the things that have to be done in the next couple of months. I am mainly just stressed out about the whole application process because it is so important. I have to take the SAT's in a couple of weeks or so and I have to start applying to colleges which means I actually need to figure out where I would want to go. I have a few colleges in mind but I defiantly need to find out more colleges that I would apply to.

I also agree with Dominique that the essay that Mr.Sutherland had us write and Mrs.Pula talking to our class was extremely helpful. All of the important dates are coming up soon so I know that I am just going to get more and more stressed. I personally can not wait until this whole process is over and done with so I  know where I will be going to college and then I can just relax and enjoy the rest of my senior year. I am excited to go to college and hope that I am happy where ever I end up. Hopefully all goes well for me and the rest of the seniors.

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