Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Last Friday and Saturday I had a Tennis Tournament in Fresno where my team placed fourth. I'm not sure how many teams participated in the tournament but I'm just going to say a lot so that we sound better. It was so unbelievably hot! Three people on my team including myself got sick because of how hot it was. I also have an awful tan line/sunburn now because of our uniforms. The three matches that we played on Friday we won as a team which allowed us to move on to the next bracket. However, on Saturday as a team we lost our first match so for our next match we had to play for third and fourth place rather than first and second which was kind of a bummer.

 In general all of the opponents I played were really nice which is completely unusual for tennis. Most people are kind of bitchy and tend to make bad calls when they are losing or frustrated. One doubles team I played was nice at the start but once they started losing they went crazy. One of the girls got so frustrated with her and her partners performance that she threw her racket after losing an important point. I thought it was hilarious but their coach didn't really feel the same.Even though it was really hot and we didn't do as well as we had hoped, the tournament was really fun and a great way to start off the tennis season.

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