Sunday, September 11, 2011

[RE] post

This is a response to what Trevor  said on his blog

"Although I'm not set on what we should have done in the wake of 9/11, I am positive that we shouldn't have used soldier's well being as pawns in a game of politics and greed, and also we should not have hidden so many things from the American people."

I feel the exact same way about the situation. The video that is connected with Trevor's response was very eye opening in the way that it describes the dirty politics that went on after the 9/11 attacks. Another surprising thing is that it seemed to me that the Bush administration linked the September 11 attacks to Iraq simply because it could. They were just looking for an excuse to go to war with Iraq and the terrorist attacks were the perfect excuse to take action. They cited that the reason was because Iraq was developing or had weapons of mass destruction but in truth none were ever found. The most upsetting thing is that so many honorable soldiers who so willingly put their life on the line for their country lost their lives in the war preceding the terrorist attacks.

I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on that memorable day and I distinctly remember the fear and confusion everyone around me felt. At first I didn’t understand what was happening but as the day went on I was able to comprehend what had just occurred. The attacks on 9/11 have dramatically changed our world and still have a huge affect on our countries decision making today. All of the people who risked their lives to save others or protect and serve our country are true heroes. The 9/11 terrorist attacks have greatly affected our country and so have the actions that followed the attacks. The events on September 11, 2001 will never be forgotten.

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