Thursday, September 29, 2011


This is from Jon's blog:

“The biggest influence of my life would have to be sports and now that I am done playing competitive sports, I am starting to think about all the great times I've had.”
I totally relate to this statement because I have been playing sports all my life and they have really shaped who I am today. Unlike Jon I still play sports but I still look back on all of the memories that I have created and all of the friends that I have made.
I first started playing sports when I was eight years old and had just moved to alameda. It was my second time moving that year so my parents thought it would be a good way to keep me occupied and distracted from being overwhelmed in my new surroundings. I am so thankful that I was signed up for rec soccer because I met so many new people that made transitioning to alameda much less stressful. I then signed up for basketball and softball which also was a great way to make new friends.
One of the best things about playing sports when I was younger is that I am still friends with many of the people that I have played with. Some of my closest friends have been made through playing sports and I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to meet them. Over the years sports has really taught me how to work well with others and to be a true team player.  I will always cherish the memories that I have made with my teammates throughout my life and can’t wait for the new memories that I will make this year. I honestly can’t imagine what my life would be like if I never played any sports.

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