Thursday, September 29, 2011


This is from Jon's blog:

“The biggest influence of my life would have to be sports and now that I am done playing competitive sports, I am starting to think about all the great times I've had.”
I totally relate to this statement because I have been playing sports all my life and they have really shaped who I am today. Unlike Jon I still play sports but I still look back on all of the memories that I have created and all of the friends that I have made.
I first started playing sports when I was eight years old and had just moved to alameda. It was my second time moving that year so my parents thought it would be a good way to keep me occupied and distracted from being overwhelmed in my new surroundings. I am so thankful that I was signed up for rec soccer because I met so many new people that made transitioning to alameda much less stressful. I then signed up for basketball and softball which also was a great way to make new friends.
One of the best things about playing sports when I was younger is that I am still friends with many of the people that I have played with. Some of my closest friends have been made through playing sports and I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to meet them. Over the years sports has really taught me how to work well with others and to be a true team player.  I will always cherish the memories that I have made with my teammates throughout my life and can’t wait for the new memories that I will make this year. I honestly can’t imagine what my life would be like if I never played any sports.

[CE] BP to resume drilling in the gulf?

I was really surprised to find out that BP was trying to get permission to resume deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico after the disastrous oil spill in April 2010. The oil spill was ultimately determined to be caused by BP’s lack of proper equipment and safety regulations. Eleven people were killed in the deep water rig’s explosion and the marine ecosystems were almost completely destroyed. Millions of gallons of oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico leaving many without a job and the waters in critical condition. A year later tar balls are still washing up on coast lines and beaches and the ocean ecosystems still have not recovered and will not for many years. This oil spill was truly an environmental disaster.
Last year I took APES and we talked about the spill extensively and all of the consequences that would result. The oil spill has seriously damaged the ecosystems in the gulf and has killed so many animals. Oceans are the most important ecosystems and they should be treated with more respect. I can’t believe that BP would expect to be able to resume drilling there after the extensive damaged that they caused to the ecosystems and the economy by the gulf. I would be very disappointed if BP is allowed to start deep water drilling again even if they updated there regulations and equipment. Deep water drilling is a recipe for disaster and it is only a matter of time before the next spill occurs.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[FREE] Saudi Women Driver to be Lashed

I was looking through google reader and I found an article about a woman who was sentenced to ten lashing after driving through the streets of Saudi Arabia. I was surprised to find out that women aren't allowed to drive but even more surprised that ten lashings was the punishment she received. I had no idea that they used lashings as a form of punishment and it seems a little ridiculous to me. It is pretty obvious that women in Saudi Arabia do not have the rights they deserved and are treated like second class citizens to men.

There is no formal law that bans women from driving but there is a law that requires everyone to drive with a locally issued license which the government does not issue to women. Since these licenses are not attainable by women it is technically illegal for them to drive. Driving is often a necessity and women should have the right to drive with the proper training.

Another aspect of Saudi Arabia that I found shocking was the fact that under their laws, women require a male guardian's permission to work, travel abroad or even undergo certain types of surgery. Recently the Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud announced that women will be able to vote and run in local elections for the first time in 2015. It is nice to know that they will eventually be receiving some of the rights that they deserve, however I feel that they should have already attained them a long time ago.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[BC] UC prompt #2

An accomplishment that I am very proud of is when I received recognition from the board of the City of Hope charity. It was an acknowledgement of my contributions and hard work to the charity. Although it was simple and small it still meant a lot to me because I have put in so much time and effort into the charity. I have been volunteering for City of Hope for six years and I plan on continuing to be involved as much as possible. I originally started out just participating in the Walk for Hope Fundraiser which is a 5K walk around part of San Francisco and then eventually became a volunteer and helped set up for the walk and the other annual events.
I am so involved in the charity because many of the women in my family have had breast cancer and so I felt it was important that I help in any way I could for the charity. The women in my family were able to beat their cancer, but so many unfortunate people succumb to cancer because of the lack of a cure to cancer. The charity raises money for the City of Hope cancer treatment, research, prevention, and education facility near Los Angeles. For the last one hundred years the City of Hope hospital has been bringing the world closer and closer to a cure to cancer. I have no doubt that they will continue to make great strides in cancer prevention, treatments, and cures with their innovative research.
It is really important to me that I am involved in charities because I feel that it is so imperative that people give back to their community and to help others in need. I believe that the City of Hope charity is important because cancer is something that so many people are going to have to face and hopefully are able to overcome. With all the research that is financed by the charity the possibility of better treatments and even a cure is all the more possible.
At the Walk for Hope I got the chance to meet with some of the volunteers and participants that were currently battling cancer and it was a very eye opening experience. They were so positive and upbeat and were very open to discussing their experience with cancer. They were so inspirational and I feel very fortunate to have met them. Talking to them made me want to become even more involved in the City of Hope charity. Participating in the charity events helps make me a better person because it makes me more compassionate and more aware of the people around me and what they are going through. This accomplishment makes me proud because it is nice to know that I am doing my part to try to help find a cure for cancer, even though it seems to be small and insignificant. It also makes me proud to be a part of something that is so important and to know that so many others are doing the same.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE] Drug Violence Hits Mexican Education

This video reminded me of the video that Mr. Sutherland showed us in class during the first week of school. Apparently since then the issue has worsened dramatically. Around five thousand teachers in Mexico have gone on strike because they feel threatened and unsafe to continue teaching. Schools in Acapulco have been shut down for over a month and show no signs of opening back up anytime soon. Teachers are on strike and are protesting in the streets for some legal action to be taken to ensure their safety.  Teachers feel that they are being targeted by drug gangs and are receiving death threats from the gangs if they don’t give up half their salaries. There have been three deaths so far and multiple kidnappings.

Teachers fear for their lives and are pleading with the government to keep the schools safe for them and their students. However, the chief prosecutor denies the problem in Mexico and insists that it is a gross exaggeration. Personally I think it is ridiculous that the prosecutor would even suggest that the drug violence in schools does not really exist or affect the teachers. Until this problem is solved or at least minimized, children in Mexico will not be able to receive a decent education. Schools will continue to shut down if more and more teachers are too scared to show up to work. The government needs to intervene immediately in order to allow the schools to be a safe environment for students and teachers or else the school system will continue in its downward spiral.

[RE] post

I was reading through some of the class blogs and I saw Dominique's blog about the stress she is feeling with the college process.

"but dang so much to do in a little of time. i dont know if i am the only one here, but i am so stressed out this over whelming process."

I totally feel the same way as Dominique about the college process and all of the things that have to be done in the next couple of months. I am mainly just stressed out about the whole application process because it is so important. I have to take the SAT's in a couple of weeks or so and I have to start applying to colleges which means I actually need to figure out where I would want to go. I have a few colleges in mind but I defiantly need to find out more colleges that I would apply to.

I also agree with Dominique that the essay that Mr.Sutherland had us write and Mrs.Pula talking to our class was extremely helpful. All of the important dates are coming up soon so I know that I am just going to get more and more stressed. I personally can not wait until this whole process is over and done with so I  know where I will be going to college and then I can just relax and enjoy the rest of my senior year. I am excited to go to college and hope that I am happy where ever I end up. Hopefully all goes well for me and the rest of the seniors.

[FREE] post

So I just chose my topic for the bill we have to write as a senior for mock congress so I thought I'd write about it. The bill topic I chose is legalizing Euthanasia which is also known as Physician-assisted suicide. Physician assisted suicide is when a physician takes part in any way with the ending of a patient’s life. Euthanasia is categorized as either voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary. Voluntary euthanasia is when there is consent from the patient and also includes passive euthanasia. Passive euthanasia is when a patient denies common treatments that are necessary for sustaining life, while active euthanasia is the use of lethal substances to end life. Non-voluntary euthanasia is conducted without the consent or approval of the patient because they are unable to provide consent and is sometimes known as mercy killing. Involuntary euthanasia is performed on people who are able to consent but chose not to. This is mostly considered as murder, but not always.

            This topic is considered to be controversial and is in major debate about whether or not it should be legalized. The true controversy lies with the involuntary euthanasia because many consider it to be a form of murder. They consider it homicide because homicide is defined as any action that has the sole intention of ending a life. However, supporters believe that euthanasia is a justifiable and excusable homicide. Voluntary euthanasia, specifically passive euthanasia is unanimously considered to be legal in the United States. Hopefully I can create a good bill with this topic.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

[CE] US Poverty

This video came as a surprise to me because I never knew that the poverty levels were so high in the United States. I knew it wasn't good, but I had no idea that it was this bad. According to the video over 46 million people are currently living below the poverty line across the country. This extreme level of poverty hasn't been this high since 1993. According to the United States census report one in six people are living in poverty.

So many families are living paycheck to paycheck and are barely making ends meet. I can only imagine the heavy burden that it places on a family. I have no idea what it's like to feel this burden but I certainly sympathize with those who are going through this. I feel very fortunate that this isn't a problem affecting me directly. But this is a problem that is affecting people all around me which is a tough pill to swallow.

After watching the video my first thought was what can be done to fix this? This is a huge problem that is not capable of being fixed overnight. The government needs to get involved before the poverty numbers in the United States worsen. However, with the budget crisis our country is facing right now I have no idea how the government can help those who are struggling. I am very curious about this situation and am interested to find out how this problem is going to be addressed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Last Friday and Saturday I had a Tennis Tournament in Fresno where my team placed fourth. I'm not sure how many teams participated in the tournament but I'm just going to say a lot so that we sound better. It was so unbelievably hot! Three people on my team including myself got sick because of how hot it was. I also have an awful tan line/sunburn now because of our uniforms. The three matches that we played on Friday we won as a team which allowed us to move on to the next bracket. However, on Saturday as a team we lost our first match so for our next match we had to play for third and fourth place rather than first and second which was kind of a bummer.

 In general all of the opponents I played were really nice which is completely unusual for tennis. Most people are kind of bitchy and tend to make bad calls when they are losing or frustrated. One doubles team I played was nice at the start but once they started losing they went crazy. One of the girls got so frustrated with her and her partners performance that she threw her racket after losing an important point. I thought it was hilarious but their coach didn't really feel the same.Even though it was really hot and we didn't do as well as we had hoped, the tournament was really fun and a great way to start off the tennis season.

[BC] UC essay prompt

My ultimate dream and aspiration is to become a Registered Nurse and eventually work my way up to a Nurse Practitioner. Throughout my life I have had many career aspirations like other normal kids, but they all have been centered around the health care field. I have always had a love for science and an interest in the human body and how it works. I was first introduced to nursing by a family friend who has been a nurse for over two decades and a part of my life since I was born. She has helped educate me on exactly what a registered nurse does and answered all of my seemingly endless questions. Another thing that led me to nursing was an ROP course that I took in my junior year of high school. It was a health care career introductory class that included a large section about nursing. I learned how to check all of the vital signs and how to respond to medical emergencies. We also became CPR certified and First Aid certified. This class really made me think of nursing as my career choice and something that I would love to do every day.

Throughout my life I have played multiple sports and still continue to play and I have witnessed many sport related injuries. I was always the first to run out to them with the first aid kit and eventually I just became the designated team "medic." My family friend that introduced me to nursing gave me tips and taught me how to deal with the injuries that my teammates would obtain. Although it seems insignificant, taking care of my teammates was fun to me and really taught me how to take care of others in the most pleasant and efficient way.

I am more drawn to being a nurse rather than a doctor because in my experience nursing is more hands on and has a deeper connection with patients. I feel that nurses administer better care and also help patients deal with their injuries or disabilities rather than just tell them whats wrong. The nursing field is in high demand and is always changing. The opportunities in the nursing field are vast and almost endless. There is always the possibility to do something new and to keep furthering your education. I genuinely care about the well-being of others and think it is a privilege to be able to take care of people and help them recover.

Helping patients recover from impairments or just helping a patient cope with a disability or illness is a special experience that would be my way of making a positive impact on other peoples lives. Nursing is a highly respected field that I would be so lucky to be a part of as my long-term career. How I grew up really had a large affect on my dreams and aspirations. The people around me helped shape my career aspiration of becoming a nurse because of their knowledge and support.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

[RE] post

This is a response to what Trevor  said on his blog

"Although I'm not set on what we should have done in the wake of 9/11, I am positive that we shouldn't have used soldier's well being as pawns in a game of politics and greed, and also we should not have hidden so many things from the American people."

I feel the exact same way about the situation. The video that is connected with Trevor's response was very eye opening in the way that it describes the dirty politics that went on after the 9/11 attacks. Another surprising thing is that it seemed to me that the Bush administration linked the September 11 attacks to Iraq simply because it could. They were just looking for an excuse to go to war with Iraq and the terrorist attacks were the perfect excuse to take action. They cited that the reason was because Iraq was developing or had weapons of mass destruction but in truth none were ever found. The most upsetting thing is that so many honorable soldiers who so willingly put their life on the line for their country lost their lives in the war preceding the terrorist attacks.

I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on that memorable day and I distinctly remember the fear and confusion everyone around me felt. At first I didn’t understand what was happening but as the day went on I was able to comprehend what had just occurred. The attacks on 9/11 have dramatically changed our world and still have a huge affect on our countries decision making today. All of the people who risked their lives to save others or protect and serve our country are true heroes. The 9/11 terrorist attacks have greatly affected our country and so have the actions that followed the attacks. The events on September 11, 2001 will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[CE]: Famine in Somalia

The severe famine going on in Somalia has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths. According to the United Nations more than half of the countries entire population is facing severe food shortages. Many are fleeing long distances to reach refugee camps within the country. In the video they show a family that had traveled three days just to reach the camp and one of their children had severe bloating from malnutrition and starvation. The video sheds light on the fact that even with donations and a considerable amount of money there are millions of people who cannot be reached. Many people are leaving everything behind to reach hospitals and camps in order to receive some aid.
            This video is truly sad because of the widespread famine that is affecting more than half of the country. One of the worst facts about the famine is that is rapidly spreading and that so many unfortunate people will not be able to receive any kind of aid. Having a scarcity of food and water is an awful situation to have to endure and for most it is unlivable. Seeing all of the affected people in the video makes me feel fortunate to be living in such a place where a widespread famine would not occur.
            Within a year it is expected that the famine will spread to the entire southern part of the country. The world food program, which is providing most of the food to people in Somalia say that lives can be saved but millions will not be receive food or any other kind of aid.


 So this is my first time blogging. I’m kinda worried about all of the blogging that I am going to have to do this year because I feel like I’m going to run out of things to blog about but hopefully it all goes well. I’m really excited about this year because I’m a senior and I can’t wait to go to college. I’m pretty happy with my classes this year because I have an easy schedule with a free sixth period. My favorite class is physiology with Mr. Wilson because I find the class very interesting and I have a lot of friends in my class.
I had my first tennis match of the year yesterday against Piedmont and it defiantly did not go very well. I play doubles number one on var. My partner Cynthia and I lost but it was still a somewhat close match. I was feeling pretty bad about it afterwards but then I found out that the rest of my team all lost so I felt a lot better. We’re actually good I swear but Piedmont is hella good and has a habit of cheating.
Tomorrow I leave at 2 o’clock for a tennis match in Fresno which I was really excited about until I checked the weather and found out that it is supposed to be in the hundreds. I’m defiantly going to be miserable because I’m such a baby when it comes to the heat. I have two matches on Friday and three matches on Saturday; hopefully we do well and win since we almost won last year.