Friday, October 14, 2011


This is my first experience with Ted talks and overall I thought it was really interesting. This Ted talk was about how to detect liars. Lying is apart of our daily lives, our culture and history. Truth is just handed out on a need to know basis. According to this Ted talk a person is lied to on average 10 to 200 times a day! Throughout the Ted talk she describes some obvious ways to tell if someone is being deceptive. One major way to tell if someone is lying is by observing the language they use and how they express it. If someone is dodging a question and trying to distance themselves in the conversation they are most likely being deceptive. Also when someone over compensates emotions or doesn't have a common reaction to something there is a good chance they are lying.
Lying in our society has become such a common practice and is almost a necessary skill. Nowadays it is considered to be a good trait if someone is able to lie convincingly. During the Ted talk she said that lying is a cooperative act because you are agreeing to get lied to. I never thought about it like that. I just always place the accountability with the person who lying. It would be such a great tool to be able to tell when someone is telling the truth or not. Personally I would love to know when someone is lying to me which is why I found this video so interesting.

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