Thursday, October 13, 2011

[CE] Debt Crisis in Food Security Rates

The financial and economic crisis in the United States has left many without a job or even without a home. Millions of Americans are struggling to provide for their family. Some unfortunate people do not even know when there next meal is going to come. Soup kitchens and other charity organizations have had a huge spike in the number of people needing their services.
So many people have been affected by the tough economic conditions our country has been facing. Almost everyone knows of someone who has been affected by this crisis. Personally I know so many people that have been affected. Most of these people were laid off and have been unemployed for months because it is so hard to find a job. Applying for jobs is a lot more competitive now because so many people are looking for jobs. Now a day’s just being qualified for a job isn’t enough. To get hired people almost need to be extremely over qualified to ensure that they get a job as quickly as possible. These people who are unemployed have had to drastically alter their lifestyle in order to make the money they have last as long as possible. This lifestyle change is so hard to cope with because people get used to living a certain lifestyle when they have a comfortable and steady income, but when they lose this stability it is hard to completely change how you live. I sincerely hope that the financial and economic crisis will start to improve and that people who are struggling will find a way to make it through this tough time.

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